If you look back on your experiences observing men who can attract and date "hot" women, you'll realize that not all of these men take care of their physical appearance, possess internal balance, or have their overall life in order. If you haven't noticed, there are men with severe defects in their psychology and ethics who can seduce the hottest-looking girls. This is partly because there are fewer attractive women who screen for ambitious, healthy men than you might think. As difficult as it is to believe, most attractive women would prefer that you treat them poorly emotionally and provide them drama that they can discuss with their friends. You could say, "well then, I'll just give the girl what she wants and treat her poorly." That reaction is short-sighted: she is going to punish you emotionally in return by committing passive-aggressive acts like making you jealous or even cheating on you and making it easy for you to find out. Women who enjoy crying to their friends about their problems usually fall into this category.
Consequently, we can say that if you care whether a woman rejects you before you talk to her, you have a hidden assumption that you can immediately detect that she has high standards for the men she sleeps with, the emotions she experiences, and her approach to life in general. You cannot know this without talking to her for a while because most women are skilled at hiding their defects from other people in the same way that many pickup instructors are skilled at hiding their broken histories from club girls. The truth eventually comes out and the joke is on you (or the woman who falls for pickup instructors). This is one reason why pickup instructors are notorious for being unable to keep the women they seduce, especially if the woman happens to be of quality.
Sleeping with lots of women is a healthy thing, provided that you protect yourself physically and mentally. However, there are some questions you have to ask before you sleep with a girl, even if it is a one night stand. It's not necessarily the number of men she sleeps with that makes her a "slut," but instead what kind of man is she willing to sleep with.
You could say that who she sleeps with is up to her discretion, but her past discretion is a preview of what you can expect from her in a relationship. A woman should hold you to the same benchmark. Are you willing to fuck bitchy bar sluts just because you are horny or have you established standards to protect yourself from biological and psychological disease that such situations can cause?
For these reasons and others, the number of "hot" women you have sex with is no indicator of your "social value," even though the majority of people enjoy and value sex, especially with visually attractive people.
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Even moe important:
have you established standards to protect yourself from
disease that such situations can cause?
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Why did you mention this? I remember that I have this in my bookshelf, but I have never really looked at it. Is it any good?
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I just question your motives here. You've learned plenty about how to manipulate women, so isn't the objective when you're done having sex with them to write down your journey and get a bunch of less fortunate guys to pay you? If you don't make money from this in some way, it's a huge waste of time. You have to invest hours in going out and approaching and when you do work out a system to give you consistent results and your own devastating arsenal, then you can sit back and reap the rewards. So basically unless you pimp them in some way, why bother? You should be selling ebooks and stuff if you're going to be putting in the work to educate guys about how they've been lied to. Why not use your experiences to pave the way to financial freedom?
No. I am not selling anything. Now shut up about that. The purpose is to tear down the pickup community. Read the fucking web site.
If I could get some of your guys' help, I could tear it down a lot faster.
Gabler, if you were being serious, I have not read Dr. Paul's work. That was a joke about rip-off ebooks. No ebook should cost more than $15 and Dr. Paul should not act like he is normal.
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If people are willing to buy things, then there really isnt a problem with charging whatever you want
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I was being serious. I bought the book a couple of years ago as a paperback book for around 20 bucks:
It's the Mind OS book, but with a completely different title and a different market. But it doesn't exist anymore.
I checked out what you said on the Dr.Paul site and now the book is marketed as "invincible inner game" and costs 97 bucks for the ebook:
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He also calls it ecourse so he can turn up the price even more, when it's in fact a ebook.
Gabler, I'll let his own words speak for him. The full blog post is at
Listen Dr. Paul, most "mental health professionals" are more fucked up than any pickup guru and are even more clueless about women. The reason why most of them get into the profession is that their personal lives are more twisted than Mystery's.
The phrase "public health crisis" describes something that the government or CDC can address. This is not a physical disease, it is a consequence of cultural decay, which government and medical professionals cannot fix because they suffer from it themselves.
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Go get laid, dude....jeez
Honestly, what is your fuckin hard on with the community?
Pretty much every industry imaginable has charlatans and hucksters. This one is no different.
Personally, I had been with like 2 girls in my life before I had read a forum about pick up, and I've been with, well, 40-50+ times that at this point. And all of it with barely even doing anything like what half these faggots do on these forums, because I've always seen that it was obviously wrong. Which is why I wanna punch people in the face when they say this shit isn't a valuable resource. No. It is an immensely valuable resource, generally people are just not intelligent enough to extract the value from the obvious bullshit. They want to download a fuckin mindset, go out and talk to bitches and in 2 days they're a pimp mackdaddy player. Then they're not baggin models left and right and all of a sudden it's the "industry's" fault. Which is what it seems that you're representing.
Why don't you have a website that says, "Endfaggotry.com" "Endidiocy.com" Cuz it's not the charlatans that are the problem, it's the idiots that follow them blindly.
I think you have a good cause dude and a year ago or so I would've joined you. But that's because I had tons of free time, unemployed, and nothing better to do. Now instead of trying to take down the community, I'm just fixing the damage it did to my life. I think your site and this site are both important to point people in the right direction, but actually trying to dismantle pick-up companies probably won't work. Better things to do would be to just steer people away from them, toward more constructive things.
There's not a lot else I really want to do at this point, but I did fantasize about sabotaging all of their forums and hijacking their email lists. I am promoting EndPUA and that is enough for now. It's time for me to give this forum a break since I have my own life situation to attend to right now, specifically finances.
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Good post. Who were you at the old forum? Indigenous?
10% or so of the material in the community is gold. The rest is bullshit.
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Yup yup. I am indigenous.
And I agree, vast majority of the info is nonsense, or just not applicable to everyone. But it's the small percentage of good stuff that really works and can legitimately help people out that matters. It's like self help. Read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and basically you've read every single self help book out there. It's gold. Half the other people from The Secret to Tony Robbins are just teaching rehashed, reworded, repackaged versions of the same philosophy and making millions.
There's really not much more to any success curriculum than:
1. Focus on what you want and work towards it by chipping away at it a little each day, constantly tweaking your approach and improving.
2. Get mentors that have walked the same path who can tell you how to get where you want to be more efficiently.
That's it.
Like "pick up" can be narrowed down to a few very simple core principles. But just like in every single field like this, there's a thousand people that want to complicate it to make money, and I can't fault them for that.
In fact, it's the consumers that constantly beg for more. They don't see that what they have is more than sufficient. They want that magic pill or that secret line that has a 95% hit rate. Anything other than, "I'm gonna have to fuckin suck at this shit for a looooonggg time before it clicks, but I know eventually it will." The "gurus" just make it appear as though they can deliver that. Oh well. That's marketing. Most people are stupid and can't figure that out, too bad for them but it's not my job to hold their hand through life. If anyone is delusional enough to think they can get anything in life without hard, consistent effort towards it, they're an idiot and deserve their money taken from them.
Hahahaha. tl;dr
Whatever that fucking Think and Grow Rich book... I was not impressed when I read it......
Overthinking and is what keeps the seduction community alive. Also, after the first two e-books that you buy it really becomes more of a collector kinda deal... like buying a new toy or something like that. I imagine a lot of guys in the community are probably dependent on the gurus to tell them how to live...
It's so fucked up it makes me want to puke... I do believe that EVERYONE, at some point has to break out of it. But then again, there are some dummies out there... more than I can even speculate.